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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营独资企业
  • 公司地址: 湖南省 长沙 岳麓区 麓谷街道 尖山路39号中电软件园总部大楼1601室
  • 姓名: 张步政
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定

    ELANTAS ELMOTHERM VA39电机绝缘系统浸渍清漆

  • 所属行业:能源 润滑油 特殊/专业润滑油
  • 发布日期:2025-01-30
  • 阅读量:20
  • 价格:6000.00 元/桶 起
  • 产品数量:5.00 桶
  • 包装说明:金属桶装
  • 发货地址:湖南长沙岳麓区麓谷街道  
  • 关键词:ELMOTHERM,VA39,ELANTAS,电机绝缘系统浸渍清漆

    ELANTAS ELMOTHERM VA39电机绝缘系统浸渍清漆详细内容

    ELANTAS ELMOTHERM VA39 Electrical Insulation System Impregnating Varnish(ELANTAS ELMOTHERM VA39电机绝缘系统浸渍清漆)QQ截图20231115151726

    Product Information:Electrical Insulation System Impregnating Varnish电气绝缘系统浸渍清漆

    Single component, anti-tracking, fungicidal varnish, suitable for transformers, motors and windings.(单组分,防跟踪,防霉菌清漆,适用于变压器,电机和绕组。)

    Product description:产品描述:

    Elmotherm VA 39 is a single component, impregnating varnish, based on a specially alkyd modified resin with long-term tank stability and a thermal rating of 155-180 °C.(Elmotherm VA 39是一种单组分浸渍清漆,基于一种特殊的醇酸改性树脂,具有长期的槽稳定性和155-180°C的耐热等级。)

    The product consists of a polymeric binder, the socalled solid content and a solvent mixture.(该产品由聚合粘合剂组成,因此称为固体含量和溶剂混合物。)

    Reducer X2 will be available for the dilution of the varnish.(减速剂X2可用于稀释清漆。)

    It is designed for use in applications where high bond strength and or good moisture and chemical resistance is required.(它是专为应用在高粘结强度和/或良好的防潮性和耐化学性的要求。)

    Polymerization is initiated by the effect of atmospheric oxygen and proceeds as a rapid chain-reaction until a three-dimensionally cross linked, duroplastic cured material is produced.(聚合是由大气中氧气的作用引起的,并以快速的链式反应进行,直到产生三维交联的硬质塑料固化材料。)

    The product fulfils the directive 2011/65/UE e 2002/95/CE (RoHS).(该产品符合指令2011/65/UE E 2002/95/CE (RoHS)。)

    The raw materials of the product are pre-registered according to directive to CE 1907/2006 and s.m.i. (REACH).(该产品的原材料根据CE 1907/2006和s.m.i. (REACH)指令进行预注册。)

    The product does not contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and substances listed in the SVHC Candidate List.(该产品不含多环芳烃和SVHC候选清单中列出的物质。)

    Areas of application :应用领域:

    Preferred applications for Elmotherm VA 39 are: · Transformer;· Stator ;· Drive in the chemical industry ;· General use(Elmotherm VA 39的应用是:·变压器;·定子;·化工驱动;·一般用途)

    Properties of cured resin固化树脂的性能

    The tough-hard material displays very good mechanical and dielectric properties even under high temperatures. Windings impregnated with Elmotherm VA 39 show good bond strength. (即使在高温下,硬-硬材料也显示出非常好的机械性能和介电性能。用Elmotherm VA 39浸渍的绕组具有良好的粘结强度。)

    In addition, the cured material displays good resistance to the effects of liquid chemicals and their vapours. Owing to the high temperature index of 180°C (acc. UL= Underwriters Laboratories USA) Elmotherm VA 39 can be used for electrical machines from 155°C to 180 °C.(此外,固化材料表现出良好的抵抗液体化学品及其蒸气的影响。由于温度指数高达180°C (acc)。UL=美国保险商实验室)Elmotherm VA 39可用于155°C至180°C的电机。)

    Flow time (viscosity):(流动时间(粘度):)

    Elmotherm VA 39 is produced with a relative low viscosity: 130-150 sec measured with a B4-cup at 21 °C.(Elmotherm VA 39具有相对较低的粘度:在21°C下用b4杯测量130-150秒。)

    The kind of processing, e.g. with higher ambient temperatures, leads to rising losses of solvent and increased flow time.(这种处理,例如在较高的环境温度下,会导致溶剂损失增加和流动时间增加。)

    In this case it will be necessary to adjust the flow time by addition of reducer X2.(在这种情况下,需要通过添加减速机X2来调整流动时间。)

    Processing methods:处理方式:

    Elmotherm VA 39 is using as a finishing varnish or as impregnating varnish. The impregnating process has to be carried out with a corresponding impregnating material.(Elmotherm VA 39可用作表面清漆或浸渍清漆。浸渍过程用相应的浸渍材料进行。)

    The flow time of air-drying varnish in opened container will increase permanently due to the evaporation of solvent, film forming can occur additionally. Therefore the containers should be closed carefully after application, the flow time should be checked frequently and adapted with reducer X2 if required.(由于溶剂的蒸发,风干清漆在开式容器中的流动时间将增加,另外还会发生成膜现象。因此,在使用后应小心关闭容器,经常检查流动时间,必要时使用减速机X2。)

    Like all solvent based products Elmotherm VA 39 should be stirred up carefully before each application.(像所有溶剂型产品一样,Elmotherm VA 39在每次使用前都要仔细搅拌。)

    Elmotherm VA 39 can be applied by dipping, bing, with flow time when delivered.(Elmotherm VA 39适用于浸渍,刷涂,输送时有流动时间。)

    When spraying is used, it is recommended to add 10-20% of reducer X2.(采用喷涂时,建议添加10-20%的减速剂X2。)

    Drying of the varnish will be at ambient temperature normally, time can be shortened by support of heat, for instance with hot air at 70-90 °C.(清漆的干燥通常是在常温下进行的,通过加热可以缩短时间,例如用70-90°C的热空气。)

    It will be necessary to follow the instructions of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for varnish and reducer.(对于清漆和减速器,遵循材料数据表(MSDS)的说明。)

    Storage and stability:Under appropriate storage conditions, protected from humidity and solar radiation Elmotherm VA 39 and reducer X2 can be stored in unopened container at 23 °C for 24 months.(储存和稳定性:在适当的储存条件下,Elmotherm VA 39和reducer X2可以在23°C的未开封容器中保存24个月,避免潮湿和太阳辐射。)
    欢迎来到湖南鲁尔能源科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是湖南省长沙岳麓区尖山路39号中电软件园总部大楼1601室,老板是张步政。 主要经营LOCTITE 5772、LOCTITE LB8013、LOCTITE N-5000、LOCTITE 2432;NG-165、NGSS-160NF;ORAPI SI450;NEOLUBE NO.2;SONIFAT 2040DW;ASOREL CN;REDUCE 2N 815;BOSTIK 1400;LOCTITE 7414;NEOLUBE **260;ORAPI CT51;SRB5。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 本公司供应主螺栓清洗剂,压力容器清洗剂,干膜润滑脂,我们有大型的仓库和场地,我们还有专业的技术人员,我们公司保证供应给你质量优良的产品!